Blendship Breakfast Burrito

Blendship Breakfast Burrito



  1. Finely dice the onion and cook in a frying pan, in a little oil and butter, over a medium heat for 5-10 minutes. Season to taste with Blendship SPG.
  2. Place the bacon on an oven tray and cook in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees celcius or until crispy.
  3. Set the onions aside. Break up the sausage into small pieces and cook in the pan the onion was cooking in. Cook for 5 mins.
  4. Whilst the sausage cooks, finely dice up the chorizo and then add to the pan with the sausage. Season with Blendship All Purpose seasoning and cook for 5 more mins.
  5. Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat with a fork for a few seconds. Add 1 tsp butter to a saucepan and pour in the eggs. Scrambled for a couple of minutes until creamy. 
  6. Warm your tortilla wrap, add the egg, bacon, onions, cheese, sausage and chorizo. Wrap the burrito tightly and then toast in the pan the sausage and chorizo cooked in - soaking up the flavour and toasting until crispy. Enjoy!

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